Sunday, August 3, 2014

Seven Days of Ice Cream

The one thing we always do on vacation is go for ice cream, something we rarely do at home.  We try to go each and every night, which we successfully did during this trip, although there is no evidence of our seventh night.
Every vacation should start with a hot fudge sundae from the Puritan. 
Lago's is our new favorite ice cream place. 

Lago's - second night in a row.  Although there's no photo evidence, we had plenty of ice cream with our friends the Doyles. 

After Brown's, we stopped at the Beach Plum, where we met up with Morgan (from the Refuge). 

Sharing at the Ice House, after a big dinner. 
Purple jimmies from Izzy's.  This might be my favorite photo from vacation.


Unknown said...

It not good that the Puritan is in our back yard...

Sandra said...

Love the action/jumping photos.

Based on the lobsters, the ice cream and all the smiles looks like "Our Summer Vacation, 2014" was a big success.