Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Nick: Saying Goodbye

Nick's last week with us:
On Sunday morning, we found him in Elizabeth's lunch box. Good thing she doesn't have the next day!
On Monday, we found that Nick had wrapped himself to one of our dining room chairs!
On Tuesday, Nick got caught up on all of our family adventures.
As is his tradition, Nick was in the tree on Christmas Eve, waiting to fly home with Santa.  Good-bye Nick!  Until next year....

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Christmas Day

We had a very quiet Christmas Day, as for the first time, my parents were unable to make the trip down.  We opened gifts in the morning and then watched a movie in the afternoon, before having a nice, quiet dinner.  The girls are older, so the excitement is different - and it was a bit emotional not having my parents here.  Times change.  Lee and I did our best to make things special and nice for the girls and in the end, we had a nice day.
He came!

Opening stockings.

Santa knows Elizabeth well - a book about Greek Gods!
And he brought Emily the movie she's been asking for!
Mommy and Daddy got Emily what she had been begging for - a canopy!

Soccer warm up pants.
Another movie.
Lee got a new iPhone last month, as an early Christmas gift. I felt badly that he only had one or two gifts under the tree, so I wrapped up a photo of his new phone....the girls thought that it was hilarious.

Hero Dad mug from Emily for his tea.

Sporting sweatshirt.
T-shirt from Uncle Mike and Auntie Kelly.
Petrified wood from Uncle Mike and Auntie Kelly.

We dragged it out for a long, long time.  She only had a couple of gifts to open and was starting to look very worried.  And then Lee shoved a package toward her that she hadn't seen because it was buried so far back under the tree.  Absolute bliss.

Walter White figurine.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Christmas Eve

As is our tradition, after attending mass with my mother, we spent Christmas Eve with Lee's family at his Aunt Margie and Uncle Tom's home.  For the last several years, the girls have been the youngest family members in attendance, but this year, there were five children younger than them, as Lee's cousin Josh and his cousin Alison both were there with their families.  Much to the delight of Lee and his cousins, the gift giving was chaos and mayhem, a flashback to their childhood.  It was so wonderful to see all of the children together.
Josh's brood.

Lee and Nolan, discussing the number of family members in attendance.
Elizabeth and Clare.
I'd forgotten that 13 month old children do not sit still.  For any reason.  Even when they are wearing cute pajamas that match their cousins'.

Asha and Lucia and all of the girlie, crafty gifts that Elizabeth and Emily gave them.

American Girl Doll gifts from Aunt Denise.

A book about China from Josh and Natalia.
More stuff from China!

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

We Are Family

I took a bunch of family photos when we were all together on Saturday.  Everyone started out by mocking me (of course, I am so used to it by now), but at some point, people were lining up so that I could take their picture! Only Joe and Karen truly escaped my shutter.
Mom and Dad

Family photo - two years since we've all been together!

Meghan and Emily - oldest and youngest.
Not amused by my dSLR selfie.

A much more willing selfie participant.

Not sure we've ever taken a photo like this before.